Acoufelt Timbertop Acoustic Panel

Acoufelt Timbertop Acoustic Panel: a clean  blend of visuals and sound control. Crafted from FilaSorb™ and NAVURBAN™, it copies the allure of wood being light and durable and an impressive NRC of up to 0.85. Customize finish and orientation to suit your vision. Elevate your space with the perfect harmony of design and sound.

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The Acoufelt Timbertop Acoustic Panel combines smart design and acoustic excellence to transform indoor spaces. Crafted into a masterpiece, this panel easily merges well-known FilaSorb™ acoustic panels with the top-quality timber alternative NAVURBAN™. This mix results in a special blend of looks and sound control, introducing a fresh era of even environments.

  • These panels use a light but strong material for durability.
  • Impressively, they can achieve a Noise Reduction Coefficient of up to 0.85.
  • Explore a wide range of 34 lovely wood grain finishes, available vertically or horizontally.
  • Adjust your acoustic experience with four different thickness options, offering varying sound levels.
  • Personalize your panels by picking FilaSorb™ base panel colors and NAVURBAN™ woodgrain versions.

Lifting your design and sound hopes, this special panel easily combines the beauty of NAVURBAN™ timber options with the advanced FilaSorb™ acoustic technology. Through its good look and sound capturing, the Timbertop panel gives you the power to shape environments full of beauty, calmness, and sound harmony. With many choices, Acoufelt Timbertop Acoustic Panels establish a new standard in adaptable, eco-friendly, and fresh acoustic design.

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