Autex Cascade Screens

Cascade screens: Stylish room dividers that hang from ceiling to floor. Choose from three styles and 21 colours. Made from polyester, they’re eco-friendly and perfect for open spaces.

SKU: b4d7458ca379 Category: Tag:

Dive into the world of Autex Cascade screens. These are more than just room dividers; they're a mix of style and smart design. Hanging from the ceiling to the floor, they change the look and feel of big open spaces.

  • Pick from three easy styles: Static, Folding, and Expanding.
  • Made from simple 100% polyester fabric with neat cut-out designs.
  • Folding screens help with sound because they fold out.
  • Expanding Screens get bigger, showing off cool patterns.
  • Comes in a wide choice of 21 colors.
  • Good for the planet: they don’t harm the environment and are made close to home.

Autex Cascade screens are all about making spaces look and sound better. They add style and help with noise. For those who want their places to look good and be quiet at the same time, Cascade is the perfect pick.

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